About us
Who we are
We are the Polo Tecnológico Rosario Group, a pioneering institution focused on the public-private articulation of innovative platforms.
Being seamlessly integrated to the national and international technology ecosystems, we have a privileged broad capacity to relate ourselves with companies, governments and the science-technology sectors around the main purpose of fostering innovation as an engine for growth and development of our communities.
With more than 110 partner companies form software, telecommunications, bioengineering, biotechnology, and engineering sectors, among others, as well as the governments both of the city and the province, and educational institutions as the National University of Rosario, and the National Technology University, we work jointly to continue driving the dynamics of the economy of knowledge in Rosario and the region.
Our Vision
To position Rosario and its region as an international benchmark on scientific development and technological innovation by implementing new forms of management that articulate the public, private and scientific sectors.
Our Purposes
- To promote, facilitate and boost the growth and export capacity of Technology Based Companies (TBCs).
- To promote the creation of technology parks and incubators of companies.
- To strengthen education on the areas of technology.
- To foster company-science relationship.
- To promote quality of processes and products of TBCs
- To attract investments on TBCs. To develop an entrepreneurship environment in the region.

Our Strategy
Our approach is to develop a model based on innovation, in which a high-value added production allows to achieve the suitable conditions for a sustainable growth in the long term, while sparking the growth of Rosario City and its region, as well as allowing for a better insertion in the international scenario.
In order to set up and make these strategic axes a reality, we have created specific areas that allow for dynamic actions to take place and design activities needed.
Our mid-and-long-term goals are set forth in biannual Action Plans which, by providing a continuity to the institutional path already undergone, are restarted at the beginning of every management cycle.
Strategic Working Axis
That allows to develop a modern and suitable platform that links knowledge with the community and the production area, and, from that approach, to develop human capacities, technologies, products and undertakings that have a positive impact on the quality of life of the society and in the sustainable development of the economy and of quality jobs in the region. From this working axis, we promote positioning of Zona i as an innovation platform and we work to include new services and infrastructures in a constantly evolving dynamic.
We promote the linkage and collaborative work with governmental and non-governmental bodies, investigation sites, universities, business and international organizations, among others.
We generate and mange initiatives in which the Municipality and the Province, as well as companies, universities and investigation sites are involved. These projects are particularly relevant as they constitute specific linkage opportunities through technological development and innovation.
We generate and promote formal and informal training areas on technology, allowing society in general to have access to the current institutional capacities.
We focus on generating genuine and territorial information related to various aspects of the IT environment in Rosario and the region, and on the drive of the politics that allow to understand the demands and opportunities for growth of the sector and result in benefits for the society as a whole.
We work with the different communities around the technology sector to promote collaborative learning and the practices that will allow the integration of its members and the involvement of new participants. We generate and support activities that bring together one or more communities.
It articulates the most important players of the scientific-technological system in Rosario and the region with the aim of creating participative and collaborative environments around basic and applied sciences, education and the communities in close relationship with the business sector, giving companies the opportunity to address instances for innovation.
We identify linkage opportunities with other productive sectors, new businesses, partnership and joint working opportunities through projects that include the participation of member companies of the institution.
We promote the internationalization of partner companies through local efforts and linkage with other institutions and bodies.
We provide training on cutting-edge technologies that will allow the city and the region to have the skilled staff needed to deal with technology changes. At the same time, we promote the continued improvement of IT processes and services giving advice and implementing processes related to quality and testing certifications.
We recommend and analyze financing tools and resources, managing proposals and giving advice on the different active lines and programs.